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母亲节 ---Mother's Day

Mother's Day( 母亲节),作为一个感谢母亲的节日,最早出现在古希腊,时间是每年的一月八日,而在中国、美国、加拿大和一些其他国家,则是每年5月的第二个星期天,其他一些国家的日期也并不一样。母亲们在这一天通常会收到礼物。康乃馨被视为献给母亲的花。而我国的母亲花是萱草花,又叫忘忧草


美国的母亲节由安娜·贾维斯(Anna Jarvis,1864-1948)发起,她终身未婚,一直陪伴在母亲身边。安娜·贾维斯的母亲心地善良,极富同情心,她提出应设立一个纪念日来纪念默默无闻做出奉献的母亲们,可是这个愿望尚未实现她就逝世了。她的女儿安娜·贾维斯于1907年开始举办活动,申请将母亲节成为一个法定节日。节日于1908年5月10日在美国的西弗吉尼亚宾夕法尼亚州正式开始。1913年,美国国会确定将每年5月的第二个星期日作为法定的母亲节,并规定这一天家家户户都要悬挂国旗,表达对母亲的尊敬。而安娜·贾维斯的母亲生前最爱的康乃馨也就成了美国母亲节的象征。


Mother's Day is a celebration honoring the mother of the family, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, most commonly in the months of March or May. It complements similar celebrations honoring family members, such as Father's DaySiblings Day, and Grandparents Day.

In the United States, celebration of Mother's Day began in the early 20th century. It is not related to the many celebrations of mothers and motherhood that have occurred throughout the world over thousands of years, such as the Greek cult to Cybele, the Roman festival of Hilaria, or the Christian Mothering Sunday celebration (originally a commemoration of Mother Church, not motherhood).[1][2][3][4] However, in some countries, Mother's Day has become synonymous with these older traditions.[5]

Establishment of holiday

The modern holiday of Mother's Day was first celebrated in 1908, when Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother at St Andrew's Methodist Church in Grafton, West Virginia. St Andrew's Methodist Church now holds the International Mother's Day Shrine.[6] Her campaign to make "Mother's Day" a recognized holiday in the United States began in 1905, the year her mother, Ann Reeves Jarvis, died. Ann Jarvis had been a peace activist who cared for wounded soldiers on both sides of the American Civil War, and created Mother's Day Work Clubs to address public health issues. Anna Jarvis wanted to honor her mother by continuing the work she started and to set aside a day to honor all mothers because she believed that they were "the person who has done more for you than anyone in the world".[7]

In 1908, the US Congress rejected a proposal to make Mother's Day an official holiday, joking that they would also have to proclaim a "Mother-in-law's Day". However, owing to the efforts of Anna Jarvis, by 1911 all US states observed[clarification needed] the holiday, with some of them officially recognizing Mother's Day as a local holiday,[8] the first being West Virginia, Jarvis' home state, in 1910. In 1914, Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation designating Mother's Day, held on the second Sunday in May, as a national holiday to honor mothers.[9]

Although Jarvis was successful in founding Mother's Day, she became resentful of the commercialization of the holiday. By the early 1920s, Hallmark Cards and other companies had started selling Mother's Day cards. Jarvis believed that the companies had misinterpreted and exploited the idea of Mother's Day, and that the emphasis of the holiday was on sentiment, not profit. As a result, she organized boycotts of Mother's Day, and threatened to issue lawsuits against the companies involved.[10] Jarvis argued that people should appreciate and honor their mothers through handwritten letters expressing their love and gratitude, instead of buying gifts and pre-made cards.[9] Jarvis protested at a candy makers' convention in Philadelphia in 1923, and at a meeting of American War Mothers in 1925. By this time, carnations had become associated with Mother's Day, and the selling of carnations by the American War Mothers to raise money angered Jarvis, who was arrested for disturbing the peace.[9][10]
